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  T o the world, I offer all my manifestations. The purple flowers always make me remind of your love This time that I have survived in this totally different city has been full of ups and downs. then there's this phase where I had been wandering along with my own self accompanying me, and then some manifestations started working, the affirmations I had been making to the universe were actually getting true one after other. I got into the fantasy world and romanticized all of my love life but never got a chance to make it valid and then a sudden encounter that escalated on a fast urge, which seemed like it was meant to happen for ages. When it happened it just got all over my soul, I was in love again and this time it was mutual and we both were on the same ground of love. it proved to be the most happening thing that happened to me in 2023, and I hope this thing will continue till 20 infinity.  Can movies shape or have an impact on your life or should I say love life? the answer t

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