I Haven't Remained Myself

I haven't remained myself, the way you left me. I am the same but then the outer shell of my soul has the coverings of shallow water of loneliness. The area near this shell which was rich blue in color is now changing into a muddy one, I still face the constant fear of falling, so now the cover has developed its roots, but the place where my soul has your memories has still got that rich blue essence in it. during the hard days when I open the gate for those memories, I get just the feeling of love.

have you ever been to Prague? if you ever go there, just visit the grave of Kafka, and try to listen to the silence which has now exhausted and come to a halt and slipped into a deep sleep. there are no dreams in there but just a cold silence.
just go and leave something on that grave, as it is said that the things which are left behind develops their roots.


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