Finding Reasons For My Failed Love story


“Finding reasons for my failed love story”, when market a filled with the stories and mindset of successful love and all, here the story which started with a hope of being loved got failed, story revolves around ‘Karam’ and ‘Riya’ and the one sided love karam has for her, karam is a simple boy who turns out to be a best selling author and writes about his failed love story stating his journey to become an author from being a dancer

Where as Riya on another hand is the girl karam loves, she is quite bold and annoying childish but matured enough making her a completely stunning personality

Story is all about Karam’s efforts and true love he wish to give on Riya and also then finding out what reasons made the love fall,

Very interestingly the author have left the ending in a way that a reader could decide how he wants the ending and the story of Karam fails accordingly of what and how reader have judged the book.

A true package of love that is summed up in a small book, or can be said a little novella with every essence of love that give it a realistic and relatable effect rather than making is more of a material thing.

Hope you would love the sample chapters

About the author

Kalash Pusdekar is an 18 year old humanities student, a professional dancer experimenting with pen, exploring has always been the priority for him, making this and life easier to enjoy, write ups on an Instagram page named ‘mylostlovememories’ where the content revolving around love keeps coming, touching the heart of readers, kalash wish to be the next bestselling author in his genre which is romance, being confident enough about it the pitch has been sent to you.


Kalash Pusdekar

Author- Finding Reasons For My Failed Love Story


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