Every Day

Every day, a wave of hope propels me to that same station where I wait for you; I reach into my side bag in search of that one gift, torn between the need to give it to you and the lack of bravery.

Your train comes at 6:43 a.m., and the distance you cover from the platform to me simply increases the amount of adrenaline rushing in me. 

But we don't greet each other; trust concerns for you and insecurities for me have played a significant role in the development of these scenarios, making it weaker.

I want us to have a string of pleasant days where you just lift your eyes and say, 'It's fine, we're fine,' and I concur with a blink.

we eventually generated this space between both of us which created an unwanted vacuum. having a self-space in life is good but making it the reason for us to get distant breaks me to the depth, you need to understand that!


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