Happy women's day

Came on earth from the pure hands of that god,  the journey was so hectic that I rested in the safest place to which y'all named womb
And then don't know why somebody sent me back. 
Why was I sent back here? Was my question
They don't need you, came back the reply
And way so? When I asked 
Being girl was the reason
      I wanted to witness the world I lived in my dreams,  the girl which god narrated in his tales
But they closed my eyes, 
And now says happy women's day
      Does it really makes difference when it comes to genders
I can do what ever a boy does,  I'll prove this
Then they raped me like anything to prove there power over me
           I always wanted to be safe and speak for my part of freedom and happiness, the way god made me feel like. 
But they made my mouth shut
And now says happy women's day 

What was my mistake? 
~any anonymous girl
Lets gift them a safer world, lets gift them some equal opportunity, not just today but every single day
Happy women's day 


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