Let's Jump To Reality

Let's Jump to Reality

every time I am to speak something, its about you 
every time I listen to things, its for you
the reality is, I speak because I don't want you to grab the chance to say its over
I listen to things because I have no choice.

every time that we spend has an essence of love,
someone told me
every time that I gambled to increase it was at its peak and I risked it.
 reality is, the term 'we' above isn't true, may be partially.
and also that I lost the bet.

every time I found you close to me, I opened up for you
every time I found you going away from me, I made myself shut.
reality is, something like 'close' never existed,
and that you going away from me was an insecurity.

every time situation shaped according to me, made me happy
every time I got those signs from you made my yelling heart to blush
reality is, situations were never according to me,
and that I am just fooling my heart

every time you know, every time............


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