I always had a thought that we were the chosen one's

I always had a thought that we were the chosen one's
Me and my loneliness always talk about what if you had been here now with me the scenario must have been something more memorable.
I always had a thought that you were also handling that beautiful grin on your face which I had, while texting each other.
I often talk to myself that if we were together, not to the moon and stars but I would have usher you to the place where I kept my heart.
Why were we together was the most frequent question I was asked, its not that I was obstinate but my love didn't permit me to leave you
So you see, now we possess a good bond
May be you don't take my love seriously but I'll always be loyal to my love.
Can we someday bind ourselves in a relation is another question it asked, and I don't have any answer to it.

Me and my loneliness very often talk about what if you had been here with me!




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